Option Strategies - A Mentorship Program

Option Strategies - A Mentorship Program

When we talk about stock trading, one thing that comes in mind is “Risk Management”. We have listened, Read and saw lots of articles & books which are talking about this “Risk Management”.

A question that comes to mind is why it is so important? The answer is “Risk Management” is the only Holy Grail to get success in stock trading. If you can’t manage your risk, you can not generate consistent returns here. Now the second question comes “How can we manage our risk?” Here come these option strategies in the picture.

Option strategies are nothing else but a trading plan based on options like Call & Put. When we initiate some trading plan with a combination of call & put is called option trading strategies.

How can we initiate option strategies?

There are several methods, and you can use options to manage your risk and generate some consistent return. But before you start, you have to learn some basic terms like “how we calculate option premium?” “What are Greeks?” And most important “what is Implied Volatility?”

If you Google it, you may get lots of articles and blogs which are telling about these terms, but as you know, the only theory is not essential. Without practical knowledge, nothing will work.

How can you get that practical knowledge?

Now there are two options to get that practical knowledge. The first one is, read yourself and start implementing it. It will take you so much time and money as well as a part of losses that occurs in your initial days.

It’s time-consuming, required lots of patience, passion and hard work. But a good step. If you are passionate about learning and implementing, this must the best step. I too appreciate this step.

The second option is, you can take help from someone who already gone through this phase and come out with some experience and practical knowledge. He will guide you on what essential factors you should focus on and where you should not waste your time. It will save you so much time, ENERGY & Money and now you have a person for handheld support.

Here I’m that someone who can help with my own experience and knowledge I got from my trading journey.

How can I help in your option trading strategies?

Once you connect with me, I will help in every possible way. Currently, I’m working with some options strategies, which I develop with my experience and giving me some decent consistent return. I will share with you, will teach you the method I’m using currently. How can we use option Greeks and Implied Volatility in a more efficient way to generate some alpha for our portfolio?

How can we create these strategies? What are the parameters we should consider before selecting a plan? What should be the adjustments if the script starts moving against our prediction?

How can we manage our risk? What should be our position sizing? How much risk should we take in a trade? These are some of the answers you can expect from my side.

It’s like a “Mentorship Program”, where you will get all the handled support for the next three months.

What is this Mentorship Program?

Mentorship Program in option trading strategies is an online pre-recorded program where you will get all the basic to advance knowledge about option strategies.

You will get instant access (for 365 days) to all the lessons we have posted. You will get some live sessions with me as well. some are one to one, and some are group sessions if required.

Along with you will be the part of my Facebook and telegram group where you can directly ask your queries you are facing during this program. I will share my analysis and strategies there.

How will it work?

You will get instant access to all the lessons we have posted on our learning portal. I will give some assignments along with these lessons. You have to submit these assignments before going to the next lessons.

Now, as you are a new trader you will face some issues, you will meet lots of queries, you can ask me in our Facebook group or on WhatsApp. we’ll prove you access to our telegram channel, where we are posting our strategies along with our telegram group where you can discuss with faculty.

If required I will come online, and we can share the screen to resolve all your queries in one-to-one or a group session.

What is unique in this program?

Now there are 100s of free sources available from where you get the basic knowledge about option strategies, But option strategies are not just about writing calls and puts.

What will you do if the script starts moving against your prediction? Will you close your strategy in loss?

Let’s say you initiate just a bull call spread and now your script starts moving downside. What adjustments you need to do to minimize your initial risk and convert every loss-making strategy into profitable.

We’ll teach these adjustments to you. Every strategy we are sharing comes with predefined rules and with proper adjustments which will help to generate consistent monthly income with proper risk management.

What are the contents of this Option Strategies – A Mentorship Program?

I will start from very basic and will go to advance levels. Some contents are:

  • What are the options?
  • How can we calculate the option premium?
  • What are Greeks and Implied Volatility?
  • Open interest and how to read it through option chain data?
  • What is option chain analysis?
  • How to make your delta neutral?
  • How can we create a simple strategy with the help you option Greeks and Option chain data?
  • What should be our adjustments if the script starts moving against your prediction?
  • How to create some advanced strategies?
  • Some advanced strategies like weekly Nifty & bank nifty strategies, monthly income strategies, event-based strategies like Results sessions, RSI policy meet, etc.
  • How to protect your portfolio from any black Swan event?

What support you will get after this program is over?

Initially, I kept three months for this program. In the first month, you will get all the lessons. Next two months live support for all your queries and in your options strategies.

But my motto behind this is not just to finish it in three months and Tata bye-bye, my motto is to help as much as I can. So you will be part of my group for a lifetime where I will share all my learning and experience free for a lifetime.

Is there any pre-knowledge required?

For option trading strategies, nothing is required. You can start from scratch. But if you have some knowledge of technical analysis, it will add some extra value in your option trading strategies.

Don’t worry; I too share some of the methods I’m using to analyze support and Resistance. So if you have zero knowledge, it will be OK.

How much is the fee and how to subscribe?

The fee is 14999₹. Seats are limited, so book your place now.

We have different options. You can pay a subscription fee through UPI, Paytm, IMPS, NEFT or direct cash deposit in our bank. Here are the details:

After successful payment share your details on our live chat or mail us at support@repleteequities.com

See what they’re saying.

Our happy students have a lot to say about our online course!

The discussion and guidance had helped a lot to understand the practical aspects on options trading. Moreover, as the same trade is monitored by the group along with Mr Sachin, I have an added confidence on these trades.



I would say this is eye opener for me… I never knew that I was doing mistake by trading without any strategy. After starting this course I stopped trading and first want to learn and understand everything… Thank you for such a valuable guidance and thanks for other members also for making discussion interesting….



Your explanations to adjust the strategies when we get adverse moves are very helpful.. feels like we have so many options in ‘Options’. ?




Final Words:

Only one thing is required. Your passion and dedication to learn and how you implement these learning in your options trading will only create a change in your trading.

I can only show you the path, but you have to put your feet on that path to reach your destination. Keep this thing in mind; there is no shortcut of success, don’t think that after finish this three months program you will be in the list of the top successful trader in your 4th month.

Successful trading required lots of dedication, discipline, and patience. To learn new things and start implementing. Take as many benefits as you can take from this activity and I will be happy to see you as a successful trader.

Thank you so much for your valuable time. Have Profitable trading.

Some of the options strategies we are sharing every week. Visit here to check how these strategies works